The 8th Annual James T. Earlis III
Horseshoe Tournament
July 31, 2004
Championship Banners
Rugs in the Rafters
Click on the Above to See the Banners
Defending Champions : Team Tears
Rich brown & George Parsons
Register for the 2004 Tournament on-line!!
The Horseshoe Tournament
Message Board
Here You Can Talk All of the
Smack You Want
(Just Make Sure You Can Take It Too)
2004 Tournament Participants (Seeds to be
Produced by Blind Draw at Party)
Some Seeds may change as other Teams Register.
If you have a problem with your seed, tough shit. All seeds are determined by Styk, using a system
based on past performance, and are final. Styk reserves the right to change any seed at any time.
An (R) before the team name denotes candidates for Rookies of the Year
(1) Team Tears -
Rich Brown & George Parsons -
2001 Champs, 2003 Defending Champions
(2) Team Tyrone -
Bob Quercetti & Tom Aschoff
- 1997 Champions
(3) The Balloon Knots -
Trish Neff & Sue Grieb -
Perennial Shut Out Victims
(4) Team PB & K -
Bob Ewing & Kristen Mervine -
Bob is ditching Steve for a woman
(5) Auggie Doggie & Doggie Daddy
- Travis Armideo & John Hackman
- 2000 Rookies of the Year
(6) Bushtooth -
Brandon Moyer & Christine Massaro -
Brandon and his Mail Order Bride (his words...not
(7) We Are Family -
Roe & Paul Falcone
- 2002 Champions
(8) Thick & Thin -
Karl & Drew Grieb (in that order) -
Drew is 1/2 of 2x Champs('99, '00) - Team Hat (Arty got
scared, and won't be at the Party)
(9) The Atomic Punks -
Ray Schoen & Kevin Z. -
This will be Z's 1st EVER Styk's House
(10) TBA -
Mark McCandless & Brian O'Neill -
This Team is getting old
(11) Respect -My-Authorit-I -
Mark Werner & Rick Turner -
Former Delco Indians' Teammates of mine, I still play with
Mark on the Springfield Sox
(12) The Utes -
Jay & TBA -
Sally's Fiancé, to be Married in 2005
(13) TBA -
Sally Lavender & Diane Quercetti -
It will be a victory for them to even score 1 point.
(14) TBA -
Erin Kelly & Lisa DiFillipo -
Usually the Most Creative Team name in the Tournament
(15) Beer Meisters -
Kurt Neff & Ernst Grieb -
The Nemesis of Karl.
(16) The Magic Ring -
Norma & Lisa L. -
Norma is with Ernst, and Lisa is with Sue
'Lil Campus -
Tim K & Scott DePace - My
salesman and yes... THAT Scott DePace...from The Howard Stern Show