The Party


The Golf


Styk's Links




6/23/04 - Game On!!!  Countdown to Styk's House XI has begun....

Party preparations are in full swing.  All the pages on the website have been updated.  Keep checking your email and this website for updates.


8/19/03       Styk's House X - Wrap Up

Another Year.  Another Party has gone by.  And once again I get to thank those of you who helped out and attended Styk's House X.

Even though it rained at the start of this year's Party it was the most successful party we have had to date.  I am going to be bringing a check to the Golf Tournament, on September 22nd for $5,000.00.  This is the most we have ever raised at Styk's House, and that brings the Grand Total to just over $16,000.00, over the last 7 Styk's House Parties.  The rain may have kept some people away, but I would like to thank everyone who came despite the weather.
Some special thanks go out to,
My in-laws - Bill & Mary Lee, Mom-Mom, and Aunt Di, whose help is appreciated every year, in keeping the raffle tickets and admission on the straight and narrow for me.  And as always thanks for taking care of Bobby and Mia for Diane and I.  Many of you know the "special relationship" I have with my mother-in-law, and I do love her more than I'll ever admit.  Because if I did, she would never let me forget it!!!!
Frank & Shannon Raggazoni.  Who single handedly sold over $1,000 worth of Raffle Tickets.  You 2 really are special people, and I hope we get to do a lot more together.
Arty Erle, for helping out with some of the last minute stuff and picking up all of the Yards Beer.  Arty and his wife Nicole also sold a good amount of Raffle Tickets.
Mark McCandless, yes Mark.  He came over early on Friday morning to help set up the Shade tents, and then Saturday morning, got all of the ice situated.  Then when the rain started coming down helped Tommy and I get the BIG Blue tarp up that kept us dry all day.
A special Thank You goes to all of our Sponsors and individuals that donated raffle items.  This is where we raise the bulk of the money, with out you there is no fund raising going on.  By the end of the week you will see a list of Everyone who contributed something to the party.  Just go to the website and click on Special Thanks.
A REALLY BIG THANK YOU goes to Brain McTague, Michelle Beiseigel, and Kristen Mervine (Kiki) for showing up on Sunday Morning for clean up.  Kristen & Michelle brought coffee, and Michelle even brought baked Ziti for lunch.  You 3 are wonderful people.  With out your help, I'd STILL be cleaning up!!!!
Thank You to the Earlis' (Jimmy's Parents) and the Reilley's (Jimmy's Sister, her husband John, and the Very Brand New Meghan) for coming down to the Party again.  I know what it's like to travel with a newborn, and I REALLY appreciate all of you coming down so we can see you.  I just hope that seeing us does you as much good as it does for us to see you.
As always Tommy, we're in this together, so thanks again for keeping me up on my feet for those 3 days.
I hope I didn't forget anyone, if I did it's only because my neck is STILL HURTING from the chicken fights !!!!
Of course there is one person left to thank, my wife Diane.  You start working on this thing in March.  You get all of the raffle items, you take care of both of our children, you keep us all fed, the caterer, the organization, and everything else you can think of.  The Tee-Shirts this year were as close to the truth as you can ever get.  You REALLY are Wonder Woman.  However, I'm NOT Superman, but I am the Luckiest Guy on the face of the Earth to have you as my wife.  Thank You Sweetheart for ALL of your hard work, because without you there is no Styk's House.
And as Big Jim Earlis said on Saturday, a little bird told him that in Late July next year make room on your calendar for Styk's House 11. Well, I can CONFIRM, Styk's House XI will take place on JULY 31, 2004.  I'm not going to keep messing around by saying "this is the last one".  But I will say, if all of you still keep on coming, and having a good time, and we keep raising the money that we do for the Scholarship, I'll keep having the Parties for as long as I can.
If you are interested in going to the Golf Tournament, please get in touch with me through email so I can get you the details.  The date this year is Monday, September 22.  We usually get about 5 or 6 of us to go up for it.
Also keep checking the Website for information throughout the year.  I heard rumors floating around there may be a "Halfway to Styk's House Scavenger Hunt/Party" early next year....  If anyone is interested I would certainly like to know...
Thank You again to all who attended, stay in touch, and I hope to see everyone again at Styk's House XI !!!!
Bobby (a.k.a. Styk)



July 15th Update


1) The Big Prize Raffle has been Finalized
     - 1st Prize = TiVo System
     - 2nd Prize = 20" Flat Screen TV
     - 3rd Prize = DVD/Surround Sound Speaker System
     - The Chances are $5 apiece, and you can get 5 Chances for $20
     - The Chances are going to be sold BEFORE the Party and at the Party.  If you would like to sell them at work, school, or in your neighborhood, please email me with the number of chances you want and I'll make arrangements to get them to you.
 2) The Horseshoe Tournament is Over Half Way Full
     - Below is a list of Team CURRENTLY Registered, and in no particular order.  If you are not on the list, Email me, or go to the Horseshoe Tournament Page and REGISTER.  Seeds will be posted once the Tourney is Full.  There are 28 Spots Total.
 The Balloon Knots - Sue & Trish
 Team Hat - Arty & Drew
 The Barry Siegels - Anthony & Karl
 The Dream Team - Lorraine & Jenny
 The Nice Guys - Chris & Jimmy
 TBA - Brian O' & Mark Mc.
 PB & J - Steve M. & Bob E.
 Shock & Awe - Erin & Lisa B.
 TBA - Jeff F. & TBA
 Lil' Buddies - Tim & Carl
 Team Tyrone - Styk & Tommy
 We Are Family - Roe & Paul (Defending Champs)
 Team Tears - Rich & George
 The Better Half - Kristen & Jen
 Team Miester - Kurt & Ernst
3) Top Ten Reasons to Have Styk's House
- We have a bunch, but we are narrowing down, so we need 10 good ones.  Submit yours today on the Home Page of the website.  The Top Ten will appear on the Back of the Tee Shirts.  What could be THE LAST STYK'S HOUSE Tee Shirts EVER!!!!!!!!
If you would Like to Talk SMACK about the Horseshoe Tournament you may do so on the Horseshoe Tournament Page on the Website.  Just go to the Horseshoe Tournament Message Board. 
If You know of anyone NOT on the email list, who should be, let me know.  Kris, Roe or Jen, I don't have Danni's
Fellow Archmere Grads, from my class especially, are encouraged to be at the Party.
Updates will NOW come every week.  With Horseshoe Tourney Updates



June 24th Update  Party on AUGUST 16th

OK now the updates will be coming fast and furious.

1) Submit one of your Top Ten Reasons to have Styk's House, just above the NEWS icon on this page.  We have quite a few good ones, and the ones that don't make the cut will be posted on the site.  Also the people who get their suggestions selected will be given some props, and may get something at the Party.

2) The BIG Raffle 1st Prize is a TiVo System.  2nd and 3rd prizes are being determined.  These tickets will be sold BEFORE the party.  There will be a Prize for the person who sells the MOST of those tickets.  I will be printing those tickets up by the 4th of July, so email me back and let me know how many tickets you want.

3) The Horseshoe Tournament is beginning to take shape.  To register go to the Horseshoe Tournament Page.  As soon as I get 14 teams I will start posting the seeds.  I have 7 teams already.

Stay tuned for further updates.



April 14th Update

It's that time AGAIN.  Only this is the 10th Styk's House Party, and what may be the last.  Just above the NEWS icon you see a big box with a link Click Here ... submit one of your top 10 reasons to have Styk's House.  The BEST 10, determined by myself and my wife Diane, will appear on the Back of the Tee Shirts this Year.  We already have about 20 entries, so keep 'em coming.

The APB is being put out for sponsors and donators for this year's party which will be held on AUGUST 16th.  If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor or Donator, or know someone, some company, or whoever who will, you can contact my wife, Diane at  We've already signed up a NEW caterer for this year.  And don't be scared if you smell the food cooking when you get to the party, this guy is not only preparing an Authentic Southern Bar BQ, but does it in such a way the it will be entertainment as well.  If you want hamburgers or hot dogs this year, you'll have to stop at Burger King.

As far as the Prize Raffle goes this year, we are going to be selling Raffle Tickets BEFORE the Party for the BIG Prize Raffle.  Rumors for the Big Prize are TiVo, another Xbox, a Television, or a fantastic night at Caesar's Palace Atlantic City in the Emperor's Suite  for One Lucky Girl, with Bob Quercetti.  And of course the plethora of other raffle items everyone is used to.

The 7th Annual Horseshoe Tournament should be REAL interesting this year.  The Defending Champs Roe & Paul Falcone will now be the Hunted, Arty Earle& Drew Grieb will be looking for Title #3, Karl Grieb & Anthony D'aversa will be looking to be the Bride instead of a another top 5 finish, maybe Rich Brown won't bail out, and of course the Inaugural Champions Bob Quercetti & Tom Aschoff will be looking to Book End the Tournament with their Second Championship.  You can register for the Tournament on the Horseshoe Tournament Page (Link on Left at Top of this page).  Seedings will be posted once all 28 spots are filled.  Same basic format as last year, with 4 fewer byes.

Don't fret about pre-season football, the Eagles are in Pittsburgh that night, and I will probably have a TV at the Party so you can watch the game.



bullet 8/6/02     Styk's House IX Wrap-Up
Even I was impressed.  I would like to thank everyone who attended the party this year, and all of those who couldn't be there but were kind enough to send donations in, for their superior generosity.  I know I had told a few people late night at the party that the count was around $3,800, well Diane and I forgot some checks we received from people who could not attend.  Officially we raised $4000 for the Scholarship Fund, which I will be presenting to Mr. & Mrs. Earlis at the Scholarship Golf Tournament on September 23rd.  That puts the total raised by the last 6 Styk's House Parties over $11,000.
We had over 100 people attend the event, some were first timers and some haven't missed any of them.  I was great to see Lorraine, Chris, Jenny, and Jimmy, and Chris even brought his children.  These guys have been coming to the party every year since it has been a fundraiser.  I thank you for that.  Shannon and Frank, you 2 are gold.  Don't change the way you are, because if you did the world would be worse off.  To all of my local friends, Karl, Sue, Mark, Kelly, Jose, Ray, Kurt, Trish, Arty, Nicole, George, Drew, Carol, Rich, Anita, Nick, Christie, just firing off names, if you're not listed you know who you are anyway, you guys are all my good friends.  Especially my personal shrink, Jose, you get me through this every year.  To my extended family the Lee's, Lex's, D'aruzio's, and the Stemmy's, you guys are the ones that run the show, and I need all the help I can get.  I was very proud to see just about half of my baseball team, The Delco Indians.  Bull, Gup, J.T, Jeff, Timmy, R.T., Mark, JoBoo, Cip, sorry we didn't keep the season going, but I know we all have a little more fire in us for next year.  To all of my wife's friends, from OLP, O'Hara, and Textile (or as it is now called, PU) you are the greatest, keep the horseshoe teams coming!!! 
To my sister Barbara/Bobbie/Whatever, John, and Travis.  When you presented me with the last 8 tee shirts in frames, you said that those shirts tell a story, which if you look at them in order, they do.  You also said you were proud of me.  Well, I am PROUD of YOU.  A lot of people in your shoes over the last 15 years would have fallen apart.  You have been someone I can look up to.  Someone who has taught me lessons about inner strength.  If you are proud of me for doing what I do, it is only because you blazed that trail for me.
A big thanks to Roe and Paul Falcone, and their head cheerleader Kristen.  For you to win the Horseshoe Tournament was one of the best things to happen since Tommy and I won it, the first year we did all of this after Jimmy passed.  Some people are afraid of you, but I trust you with my son more than most.  You are very dear friends.  I will be honored with your presence next year as Defending Champions, and #1 Seed.
A very SPECIAL thanks goes to Mr. & Mrs. Earlis.  I was so happy to see you, and can't wait to see you again in September.  I don't have ANY idea what it takes for you to come down.  What I do know is that I share your feelings, and when that special day comes in May, part of my therapy is hearing your voices and Laura's too.  I hope you can make Styk's House again. 
Then there is the backbone of Styk's House, my wife Diane.  She starts working on this thing six months ahead of time.  She single-handedly gets the raffle prizes organized.  It should be called Diane's House, as most of the ideas for this are all her.  She is probably the greatest party planner around.  Her drive is tireless.  I truly am the luckiest man on earth to have her as my wife.  You are my rock, and I love you.
So with one more year to go at Styk's House X, that's 10 for those of you who don't follow Super Bowls, we are going to start a year long quest to make this the one everyone will remember, since I'm 99.9% sure this will be the last..  In the next few days, the Styk's House Website will have some new things on it.  SO KEEP CHECKING.  One will be suggestions for the back of the tee shirts.  The Top Ten Reasons To Have Styk's House.  You can submit them all year long, up until the next Party.  Diane and I will pick the best, and Special Prizes will be given to the winners.  We are also going to post some of the funnier pictures taken over the years.
For those of you who want to go to the Scholarship Golf Tournament it is on September 23rd.  All of the Information will be posted on the website, on the Golf Tournament Page.  I have got 2 foursomes going already, if you are interested in going drop me an email, we do carpool up to it.
Thank You to EVERYONE again, you all have a hand in the success of this thing, and I can't wait until next year.
Bobby (a.k.a. Styk)



Second the Slogan Contest is shaping up, I will be posting some of them on the website ( ) to vote on over the weekend.  We could use some more entries, so start the creative juices.
Third there are only 5 (FIVE) SPOTS left in the Horseshoe Tourney.  A list of who is in, appears on the website's Horseshoe Tournament Page.  With a little blurb about each team.  If you want in, you can register on that page too.  We have 23 teams and have expanded the Tournament to 28 Teams.  It only adds 2 more games, so it should still be over before the sun goes down.
Fourth, a special shout to Erin, Lisa D., the other Lisa D., Shannon M., Lisa B., and the rest of the Textile Crew.  Are you guys coming?  Are we going to have a horseshoe team out of you.  The Former Girlfriends of Gary Condit?  They almost beat the team that finished in 2nd last year.  With all the creativity of that group you should be able to come up with a couple of slogans as well.
Fifth, for those of you with nothing to do on Tuesday Night July 23rd at 7:00, you can come down to Frawley Stadium in Wilmington, Delaware, home of the Minor League's Wilmington Blue Rocks, to see ME play in the Greater Philadelphia Men's Adult Baseball League's All-Star Game.  No tickets needed as Admission is FREE and concessions will be open.
Lastly, on Monday next week my friend Karl Grieb's Weekly Observation will be a Guest Observation written by myself.  The website is . Just click on The Weekly Observation, scroll down to last set of observations and click on Observation 2.30.
That is all for now.  Everybody have a good weekend, and GO DELCO INDIANS.

  • 7/12/02
    OK, it's been a while.  I have heard from many of you about coming to the party, and the Horseshoe Tournament.  I have a list of teams in the Tournament which will be posted at the end of this email.  We still have room for some more teams so go to the website and register on the Horseshoe Tournament Page.  If you have not RSVPed, please do so, as I need a count for FOOD.
    Donations of merchandise and gift certificates have been rolling in steadily for the raffle, but we still need some more stuff.  If you know of a company or restaurant or individual that could donate a service or a gift certificate or merchandise of any kind please contact my wife Diane at or me.  As far as the BIG PRIZE Raffle goes, we know this much: 1st Prize will be 2 tickets to The Rolling Stones Concert at the Vet on 9/18/02 (Thank You Karl Grieb)
    2nd Prize will be a brand new X-Box (unless I get a lot of feedback that we should get another PS2)
    3rd Prize we are working on.
    I am giving a special shout out to the Archmere Academy Class of 1989, you know who you are.  It's been too long, so email me back and tell me you are coming.  I just heard from Colleen McC last week and will be emailing her back today.
    Now to the REAL business.  One, Rich I need the cup to get it engraved.  Two, Tom and I are going to win ... again.  Three, if you would like to talk some trash, go to the website and click on  .  In there you can post whatever message you want.  I'm sure Arty will have plenty to say.
    Teams that are in the Tourney are listed below.  If you did register in the last couple of weeks and your team is not on the list, just give me a quick reply to this email, as the website was screwy for the last couple weeks and I may not have gotten it.  Website is all fixed now.
    Team Tyrone
    Team Hat
    Team Tears
    The Barry Siegels
    The Balloon Knots
    The Dream Team
    The Delaware Destroyers
    The Nice Guys
    Auggie Doggie and Doggie Daddy
    No Woman, No Cry
    Team PB & J
    Team Meister
    The Wife Beaters
    Phat Chance
    The Poodle Birds
    Still waiting for "The Caucasian Comets", "The Former Girlfriends of Gary Condit", "The Latino Leprechauns", The Smackheads", Steve Murray & his Partner (Craig?) and the rest of the Delco Indians.
    Keep checking your emails for more Updates


First off, I did forget 1 baby girl last week born to Roger & Nancy Johnson.

Also, PLEASE let me know if you are going to attend the party this year as I need some sort of a count for FOOD.  I don't need a count for beer, there will be enough talent there to finish 4 halves.  (I Got Milk ... for Drew & Arty)  Email RSVP to 

Some of you have asked, "who gets the Scholarship money?".  Well scroll down to see the list of who had been awarded the scholarships, and what schools they are attending.

We are now only 45 days away from Styk's House 9.  The organizations who are donating items will be listed as the weeks go by.  Some of the items received already include: 4 ticket vouchers to the Wilmington Blue Rocks, Free Passes to Polyesters, and we are working on the Samuel Adams thing too!!  Last year The Boston Beer Company donated 8 cases of Lager, which we gave out as door prizes to 8 different people.  If anyone knows of anything that can help us with donations, or raffle prizes please contact Diane Quercetti at

The 6th Annual JTE Horseshoe Tournament is shaping up with some tough competition for this year.  With almost half the field confirmed, get your team in as soon as possible.  When we get to 24 teams, the Tournament will be closed and the seedings will come out.  If your name is NOT on this list you are NOT in, so go to the Horseshoe Tournament page on the website to register.

Teams In the Tournament:

Team Tyrone
Team Tears
Team Hat
The Barry Siegels
The Balloon Knots
The Dream Team
'Lil Buddies
The Nice Guys
Auggie Doggie and Doggie Daddy

Lastly, check out the Message Forum just above the NEWS.  It is where you can talk some Smack about the Horseshoe Tournament. 


If you know someone not on the email list that would like the Updates, get their address to me.

The Styk's House Family is growing, CONGRATS to the Following who were just about all with child at the last Party :

Nick and Christie Gabriel, NEW BABY GIRL a couple weeks ago, of course Tom & Suzi Aschoff, they had their girl in February, The Dream Team will be back this year as Jenny had a Baby Boy last September, Tim & Tara Kuhn had a girl in March, Rich & Anita Brown had a girl in October, Chris & Jen Kantner, a boy about two weeks ago, I hope I didn't forget anyone.  If I did, let me know.

A special Get Well Soon to Michelle Beiseigel who is home resting after some surgery. She's doing fine and will be ready to lead her swim relay team at the party.
Now that memorial Day Weekend is behind us, the summer of 2002 is in full swing.  Styk's House has been hard at work (actually just my wife, Diane) all winter long contacting all of our sponsors and looking for new ones. If you can help with something please contact her at   One very generous Karl Grieb has offered 2 tickets to the Rolling Stones Concert at the Vet.  This will be the first prize in the Big Prize Raffle, along with a Play Station 2 and another prize to be determined.

It is now time to start putting together the Horseshoe Tourney, so go to the Horseshoe Tournament Page on the above mentioned website and sign up your team!!!  Our Champions Team Tears, George Parsons and  Rich Brown will be back to defend their title.
Those of you who are definitely coming to the party, please let me know as soon as possible.  We are going to need a count for the food.

Well I hope everyone is having a great winter.  Just wanted to update a few things on the site.  The date for the party is August 3rd.  We are starting to solicit donations from individuals and organizations.  If you are interested in donating anything, weather it be, food, service, or something for the raffle, please contact Diane Quercetti at .  Our goal this year is to top the $10,000 dollar mark.  Over the last 5 years we have raised about $7,000.  We are shooting for $3,000 this year.  The only way we can get there is with donations and a big raffle.  As the raffle items become committed to us I will post them on the site. 

I am also setting up a section of the site for pictures of past Styk's House Parties.  So if you have any pictures, scan them in and email them to me at .

Congratulations to Scott Blum, who was awarded the 2000 James T. Earlis III Memorial Scholarship at the Old Tappan High School Football Banquet last night.  Scott was a Defensive Lineman for the Golden Knights, who after starting 0 and 6, recommitted themselves and won their last 4 games.  Scott has not chosen a college yet, but is visiting several schools. (12/14/00)

8/23/01   Styk's House 8 Wrap-Up

Styk's House 8 was the most successful ever.  We raised $3,000 for the scholarship fund, and crowned new horseshoe champions.  A check will be presented to Mr. Earlis on September 24, 2001, at the Golf Tournament, for the money we raised at Styk's House 8 this year.

I would like to personally thank my wife Diane for the tremendous amount of help this year.  Without her, 99% of those raffle prizes aren't there.  She did the calling and the leg work.  I would also like to thank all of the other people that helped this year, and they will be listed shortly on the Special Thanks Page.

Congrats to Rich Brown and George "Tennessee" Parsons - The 2001 James T. Earlis Horseshoe Tournament Champions.  With the grace of a rhinoceros they trampled the competition to be the first Champions to go undefeated through the Tournament.  You can check out their brand spankin' new Championship Banner here.

Mark your calendars now for 2 important events upcoming:

1) The Golf Tournament - September 24, 2001 at The New York Country Club in New Hempstead, NY.  Click Here for more info.

2) STYK'S HOUSE  IX - AUGUST 3, 2002



As promised here is a short list of confirmed Raffle Items donated by the listed Organizations:

The Sports Club in Ridley - 1 month FREE membership
Poco Loco Paintball - Passes
Dave & Busters - Passes and Power Cards w/ Credits
Polly Esther's - Passes & T-Shirts
Samuel Adams/Boston Beer Company - FREE BEER!!!!!
The Philadelphia Phillies - 2 FREE Tix to a game
Howard Stern's Book "Miss America" Autographed by Howard, Robin, Gary, "Stuttering" John, and Fred
WMMR - T-Shirts & Photos Autographed by Pierre Robert, and Razz
Verone's Collision - Gift Certificate for FREE Car Detail
M&G Reconditioning Products - Bucket full of Care Care Stuff
Randstad - AMC Movie Passes
3 G Golf - 1 Hour FREE Indoor Golf
Fellini Cafe - Gift Certificate
The Please Touch Museum - FREE Passes
TastyKake - Coupons for FREE TastyKake Products
PlayStation 2

More Stuff to be added as we get closer to the party.

You can obtain tickets from me in person, or from people to be designated soon.
Adults over 21 - $30 donation    Ages 12 to 20 - $15 donation    Under 12 - FREE

More and more sponsors are signing on donating raffle prizes, including 3G Golf, Verone's Collision, and The Philadelphia Phillies.  As we get closer to Styk's House VIII I'll display a list of all the raffle items.

The Horseshoe Tournament is half full, so if you are not registered please do so on the Horseshoe Tourney Page.  Team Hat is still running garbage out of their mouths.  They have already claimed a Three-peat, well we all know how hard that will be to accomplish.  Who is going to knock them off?  It won't be you, unless you register. 

Sponsors Signing On
Check out the Special Thanks Page to see the organizations already committed to some kind of donation for Styk's House VIII.  Yes Mark that is THE Delilah's Den, and no they are not sending dancers.


Styk's House is Going Corporate
For the past 4 years I have relied on the cover and extra donations for the Scholarship fund.  Well this year we are getting corporations to sponsor the party, by donating items, and or food for the party.  A list will be available shortly of those committed for donations.  Also if you know any companies that would be willing to do so, let me know and I can get you a letter to give to them.  In the meantime, we will start to sell tickets to the party this year, as we will need a count of people who are attending.  To request tickets you can email me at or call me, if you know the number.  We are also instituting a new cover charge structure, click The Party for more details. (6/11/01)

The 5th Annual James T. Earlis III Memorial Horseshoe Tournament is in the process of being filled.  For all of the information, including registering online.  This year's format has been altered from years past.  Instead of a 20 team double elimination marathon into the night.  The new format will have the Tournament over by about 7:30pm.  The Tournament will expand to 24 teams, look like the NCAA Basketball Brackets, will be single elimination until the Final Four and the Finals, which will be a Best of 3.  There is also an addition of a 3rd Place Game.  So click on the Horseshoe Tournament Page on the Left and register now.

Well, another Styk's House is in the books.  We raised the largest amount of money EVER for a single Styk's House.  The final count was just under $2,800.  That brings the total for all of the Styk's House parties to $6,200.  

Every year since Jimmy died I have planned this party for months ahead of time, and every day after the party I'm disappointed it's over.  Some of my close friends tease me about the fact that I swear I'm never having the party again, because it takes a lot out of me emotionally.  That wasn't any different this year.  However when I checked my email this morning, and I read all of the messages from everyone who had such a good time, and took the time to email me about it, I felt a whole lot better.  So I would like to thank those people, you know who you are, for inadvertently lifting my spirits.  

I would also like to thank everyone who came to the party for their generosity, especially Joe & Ann Stemmy who donated right back the 50/50 Raffle.  Of course I'm not leaving out all of the people who helped out with the party and donated items.  You can find all of them on the Special Thanks Page.

So, in closing I would like to invite everyone back for another one...
STYK'S HOUSE 8 ------SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 2001 (tentative, of course). (8/7/00)

2000 Seedings

(1) Team Hat (Arty Erle & Drew Grieb1999, 2000 Champions   
(2) Team Tyrone (Tom Aschoff & Bob Quercetti) 1997 Champions, 2000 Finalist
(3) Phat Chance (George Parsons & Ray Schoen) Combo of 1996 Champ & 1999 Finalist
(4) Team Nice Guy (Chris Zingler & Jim) Connected to Dream Team in conjugal way.
(5) The Barry Siegels (Karl Grieb & Anthony D'aversa) I have nothing to say
(6) Auggie Doggie and Doggie Daddy (Travis A. & John H.) 1999 Rookies of the Year 
(7) The Seasoned Veterans (Bill Lee & Joe Stemmy) - Experience Counts!!!
(8) Lil' Buddies (Tim Kuhn & Carl Goerlach) They constantly watch Gilligan's Island.
(9) Team O.J. (Rick Aldorasi & Jeff) 1996 Finalists
(10) The Caucasian Comets (Bob Bullen & Jeff Thurston) The left side of the infield.
(11) The Bruise Bothers (Sam Gorgone & Billy States) I wonder if the rest of my ice hockey team will show??
(12) Team Meister (Kurt Neff & Ernst Grieb) Ich Bernine Berlinner ??
(13) The I.R.A. (Mark McCandless & BRIAN O'NEIL) Who is that masked man????
(14) Werthy Jerks (Mark Werner & Lionel Bradley)  Batting Left and Throwing Right!!!
(15) Kosher Sushi (Brandon Moyer & Craig Aukamp) Can he even SEE the pin from 40 feet???
(16)The Dream Team (Lorraine & Jenny Bellano) Took Team Hat to the wire last year!!
(17) The Smackheads (Krista D'Aurizio & Bob Jenkins) Watch out for these 2.....
(18) Team Nordstrom (Shannon B. & Diane Quercetti) What can I say...2 women throwing shoes is a beautiful thing.
(19) The Latino Leprechauns (Jose & Kelly Peguero) Recently married couple goes for the GUSTO!!!
I Don't Like... (Sherri Aukamp & Jen Scott) The complaining bitches from hell.
Check it out I HAVE A GUESTBOOK!!!!  So, go to the bottom half of this page and sign it.(5/9/00)
Also everyone can partake in the POLL on the Horseshoe Tourney page.  WHO WILL WIN????
The 2000 Brackets are updated with who has registered so far.  Remember, the brackets are not FINAL until ALL 16 spots are filled.  (5/17/00)
The date for Styk's House VII is Saturday August 5, 2000 (thanks Carol for pushing me to decide).  Click the link for Party details, email link for directions and check this page often for news updates.  
HORSESHOE TOURNEY FILLING UP FAST!!!!!  Only 5 Spots Left!!!    So those of you who finished pretty high last year and want another crack at Team Hat (Ray and Nick), better get movin' before there's no room left.(4/28/00)
BRACKETS ARE POSTED on the Horseshoe Tourney page..  Arty & Drew FINALLY don't have to wait until the END of the first round.  Being the #1 Seed they get to start the tournament.(4/24/00)
ALL the Rugs are hung.   Horseshoe Tourney page  (Don't forget to turn up the volume when viewing the 1997 banner)
The date and location for the Golf Tournament has been confirmed.  Click on the link to get the details.